George Hallett: Portraits of Nelson Mandela

In 1994, South African photographer George Hallett (b. 1942, Cape Town) documented one of the most important moments of South Africa’s history. Hallett, who had lived in exile since 1970, returned to his home country to photograph Nelson Mandela (1918-2013) during his campaign for South Africa’s first democratic presidential elections. BOZAR presents five photographs from a larger body of work entitled Images of Change (1994-1995), focusing on the changes as they occurred in the post-apartheid era, also known as the new South Africa.

Courtesy of George Hallett. Presented in the context of the 2018 worldwide Nelson Mandela centennial celebrations, and BOZAR’s Summer of Photography exhibition RESIST! curated by Christine Eyene, who manages a collection of prints by George Hallett as part of the Making Histories Visible project, University of Central Lancashire, Preston (England).

George Hallett: Portraits of Nelson Mandela
Until end of December 2018

Dégagements Henry Le Bœuf
Rue Ravenstein 23
1000 Brussels

Free entrance

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